Security Incident Report
Security Incident Report is issued not only after the security incidents occured, but also for specifying the possible security threats observed by all operation personnel, situations which are not reported after the security incidents experienced but pose risk, and informing Security Department for the purpose of increasing the security measures taken and taking measures.
In Security Incident Report; 'Report From' – 'Incident Details' must be filled in details. 'Follow Up Action' must be explanied clearly and 'If Police Involved' the details of the Police must be given and the form is sent. At the end of the Security Incident Report detailed communication information of Security Department and Operational Control Centre (OCC) are mentioned.
If the notification made is private for Security Department, only Security Department communication information in the lower part of the form is used. If the local authority should be informed about the security incidents, the same form may be used for notification.
You may find the Security Incident Report from the link below.
Security Incident Report